Jesus Truly Heals… by Elaine Davenport (Wednesday, October 10, 2007)

Each and everyday I write about the many aspects of the Healing power of God. People come by the droves to read it. Does this say anything special about me? No, it does not. I’m just another person. I only became sensitive to biblical healing empowerment issues, after my successful search. It never occurred to me that there could be so many people who truly do not believe that Jesus heals or that God exists.

Read about My Journey out of the wheelchair. 

Read about  The Brain Tumor  that didn’t grow back! 

I had always known about God from when I was a very small child. I went to church with my grandmother and I remember not liking it. I thought that I wasn’t paying attention. Though I am no longer a Baptist; it was there that I learned about Jesus and about faith and for that I am eternally grateful. I was raised to have great strength and to persevere by my grandmother. She indeed was a devout Baptist woman, the President of the Missionary Aid Society.

My grandmother was diagnosed with stomach cancer and endured (even through the Depression) for over thirty years; until she got her healing. In those days people never talked about or spoke about having cancer. Her circle of friends were praying people, people of faith. It was through being with and watching her that I knew early on the expectations of God for my life. By the time that I was ten years of age; my mother decided that it wasn’t cost effective to send me to my grandmother’s house for the week-end and so I was forced to go to another church. This time it was a Lutheran church which was somewhat the opposite of the Baptist church; but also so much like it. My faith was strengthened and solidified there though I was usually by myself. My shyness caused me to draw closer to God. It was at a young age that I actually began to speak to God. So believing is all I’ve ever known. For those of you whose families never attended church. I understand, mine didn’t either. They were believers who didn’t attend church. My mother insisted that I attend and never miss.

I just needed to take that side journey and I don’t know why. I guess somebody needed to hear it.

From a worldly perspective; one has to almost turn into a “collector” of the many articles that say don’t do this or don’t do that regarding ones health. For example:

Newsweek Magazine offers an article dated September 13, 2007 in which they say Lonely people have a tendency to get sick more often.

MarketWatch reports that Injury and Illness contribute to bankruptcy.

While these articles may be well meaning, they miss the mark spiritually.

Spiritually, we (born again Christians) believe that by the stripes of Jesus we are healed. He died for the remission of our sins and for the redemption of our souls, our finances, our health and our spiritual death.

When I encountered an Atheist…

I was unable to find out what she believed because she was screaming at me so loud. I don’t know what was going on in her life; but I am sure that it was something. Spiritually, I know that it was Spiritual Warfare. The encounter. I allowed the lady to vent. I said nothing. I knew that any other position that I might take would give God no Glory.

I’ve often wondered what could make people be unbelievers? What could make people be without faith in God? They have faith in the bed when they get in it at night. Faith that it won’t crash to the floor. They have faith in the dog that the dog will bark, or fight or fend off an intruder that would enter the house will ill intentions. They have faith that a cigarette will give them satisfaction or a bottle of wine. A lot of people have faith in Elvis Presley; that he’s not dead. I’m just saying; I don’t understand it.

The dog, the bed, the cigarette, the glass of wine nor Elvis Presley can heal you; but Jesus can. He said: Only believe.

* Editor’s note: I know, He healed me.

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