I was desperate for relief and sick, I needed to do something drastic, so I laid hands on myself by Elaine Davenport

Matthew 15: 28 Then Jesus answered and said unto her, O woman, great is thy faith: be it unto thee even as thou wilt. And her daughter was made whole from that very hour.

For the last two weeks, I have faced a great and grave physical challenge. It started with my kidneys and began to go from side to side. The pain was horrible and the only thing that would make it go away was prayer and my drinking water. I was in and out of church services based on my ability to walk. Sometimes, I had to press like last week when I went to Healing School.

I didn’t want to get in the Healing line because I felt that I was already healed but something inside me said: “Step out of the boat.” So I got in line. The wonderful minister laid hands on me and prayed for me. When she touched me I almost fell over. I’m so glad I didn’t hit the floor because I didn’t think my back could stand the strain. Of course, that’s my thinking. That’s wrong thinking. If I had hit the floor; God could handle it.

The Bible says: Believers shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover. Sometimes it can be instant. Sometimes not. I felt a “tiny” bit better but the next day all signs of pain were gone! Praise God.

But two days later, I wrenched my back reaching for a light on a ceiling fan. Immediately I could not walk. The pain was horrid. I called my daughter and she helped me to a chair. She wanted me to go the Emergency; but I knew better. I remembered a time that I was there to help a friend. A man came in with a condition similar to mine and they treated him terrible. They insisted that he stand up. He kept saying, I can’t.

So, I decided I would just sit in the chair and pray in the Spirit for an hour. I could not move any part of my body when I sat down. At the end of an hour, I got up slowly and crawled into the bed at a 45 degree angle. I continued praying through the night. Today was a very important day for me. I had some things to do that required my presence and no excuses. Through the night, I noticed I was getting better with my movements, but the pain had not left.

Around 5 am, I began to pray fervently and that’s when I began to declare my position. I’m Redeemed! I’ve already been healed! I quoted scriptures, sang songs, praised God and then in the midst of it all, I realized that I needed to do something drastic, so I laid hands on ME! I never imagined what followed!


I reminded myself of past victories. I reminded myself of the other times that I laid hands on myself and how I got healed! Why didn’t I think of this sooner? Why? Why?

So I got out the bed in pain. By sight it was stupid! By faith it made sense.


I am not fibbing to you about this: I RECOVERED! Every step I took today got better. I left my home at 9 am and by noon I was back to normal. I ‘ll still take it easy. To be completely immobile and to recover so rapidly is a wonderful feeling.


I have no other conclusion to form. Over these last few weeks, I’ve had terrible attacks, which completely disappear when I start saying Healing Scriptures within seconds. All signs of pain would go away but within 24 hours, more pain came and each time it would be something completely different. I HAVE THE VICTORY! YOU DO TOO! REMEMBER THAT.


The scriptures below show you “some” of what the Bible says about the laying on of hands.

“17 And these signs will accompany those who believe: in my name they will cast out demons; they will speak in new tongues; 18 they will pick up serpents with their hands; and if they drink any deadly poison, it will not hurt them; they will lay their hands on the sick, and they will recover.””   Mark 16:  17-18

“Now many signs and wonders were regularly done among the people by the hands of the Apostles. ………Acts 5: 12

Challenges will be overcome…by Elaine Davenport

Blessings to you all!  Some challenges have presented themselves today that prevent our posting early in the day.  Stay in faith!  We will.  Our posting will appear later in the day.  Many thanks for your consideration.  May you walk in the Blessing!

A Booster shot for your healing by Elaine Davenport

 My own mother doesn’t believe that people can hear from God.  I quietly told her that people do hear from God.  I told her that I do.  As my mother she was able to gauge that I was truthful and sincere.  One day she actually told me that I had changed since I was born again.  One of the things that really helped me when I needed healing in various areas was by ability to hear from God.

I truly believe that God spoke to me and I to Him all of my life.  I just don’t think it was consistent.  I was never looking to communicate  with God for long periods of time, I had to reach that level.  Life pushed me towards God and I’m glad it did.

                      HEARING FROM GOD

I felt that I needed to be able to spend time with God and hear from Him, so I developed a prayer life.  It was a Blessing, but it was one sided.  I did all of the talking.

Not long after that, I was Blessed to gain understanding on how to hear from God.  I went home and tried it not expecting anything to happen.  Here’s what I did:

I prayed for about 30 minutes to God.  I asked the Lord to speak to me and to tell me what to do about my situation.    Then I went into a room and sat for about 30 more minutes and just listened.

When I sat in that room, I expected to hear nothing.  But, that’s not what happened.  For ten minutes, I heard nothing at all.  Then after that it was so magnificent for 20 minutes, that I truthfully couldn’t recall what I heard.  After that, I took a notebook to write it down.

There is nothing that can beat spending time in the presence of God.  Consider it to be a booster shot for your healing.  This is so.

Words from the unsaved! by Elaine Davenport

God sent an unsaved woman to speak to me one day. She said: “I’ve been around a long time. I was a nurse for many years and I’ve watched people. If you get to be 40 years old and nothing has happened to you yet, you’re really lucky. (those were her words) I don’t believe in luck. Then she said: “No, let me correct that; if you get to be 35 years old and noting has happened to you yet, you’re lucky. I thought: “Who wants to hear about sickness, that’s boring.”

I can’t really say how long it was after that before I became sick. I had always felt that way. I had not in the past had any amount of compassion for sick people; but I would soon be healed of that. I did not get a “little” sick. I became very ill and spent years fighting back. One illness actually ushered in many more. But of course, it all happened in a flash of time and I had to seek refuge and make a choice. Had I not found Jesus to heal me and the Father’s mercy, you would not be reading this today.

Jesus is the Door! by Elaine Davenport

According to Webster’s 1828 Dictionary Healing is not only curing but it’s restoring to a sound state. So these things apply to healing:

^ Your Health

*Your Finances

* Your Emotions

* Your Affairs

* Your situation

*Your Marriage

*Your relationships

* Your status on your job

* Your children

And the list goes on. So the question becomes; what do you do?

Jesus stands at the door to help you.

Jesus said, “I am the door; if anyone enters through Me, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture.” John 10:9

The decision is yours.

God is not Boring! by Elaine Davenport

You’re not here by coincidence!

I work hard trying to figure out how anyone can get bored or sleepy or even disinterested to hear people talk about God.



PICTURE THIS: There’s a jury and they don’t want them to make a biased decision, it’s a really big trial. So they sequester them and put them by themselves so that they aren’t around anyone who can influence them. They are isolated, cut off from outside information.

In a way that’s how the spirit man or woman is in many people; it’s sequestered. My prayer is that your spirit man will rise up while you’re at this site or even when you walk away and that you’ll be drawn closer to God, so that you or someone that you know can get their healing. In Jesus Authority…So be it.

Throw somebody a Life Raft! by Elaine Davenport

Like it or not, you’re going to have to give an accounting. An accounting of whether you told someone who needed to know that Jesus heals. Almost every day man or woman of God you’ll hear that someone is sick. Perhaps, it’s a horrid diagnosis and everyone around them has given up hope. It’s likely that even the messenger that tells you about them has also agreed. BUT IT”S NOT TOO LATE!

GOD IS THE GOD OF THE 2nd,3rd,4th,5th,6th,etc CHANCE!

He’s just looking for some faith.

You are going to have to step up with healing scriptures, intercession or supplication, ministering,faith, encouragement,revelation,the Word and so much more.

You will be Blessed for your giving.

But this I say: He who soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly, and he who soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully.

As every man purposeth in his heart, so let him give, not grudgingly or out of compulsion; for God loveth the cheerful giver.

2Corin 9:6-7


Healing your family and other relationships, starts with you! by Elaine Davenport

I speak with so many people and I’ve found a common thread as I hear people speak of their families and other relationships. Poor communication, estrangements, miscommunication, anger, resentment, jealousy, hostility, insaneness, craziness, desolation, isolation, misunderstandings, displacements and disconnections. It ought not to be.

I never had a perfect family. My parents used to fight, a lot. However, to their credit; when they weren’t fighting they were having fun and they were friends. I think the fights happened because they both were so passionate, even about each other. This is true. No, they weren’t born again practicing believers, but their beginnings were rooted in that; yet they drifted away. I know as good as they were, that if they just had ” LOVE” overcomes all in their spirits or in their hearts, it would have made it better.

It was good, but it could have been better. I grew up replicating that spiraling behavior with my family and would likely have continued if I had not been born again. When I began to paint them with love; my life changed and so did theirs as a result. I painted each one with unconditional love and they reciprocated that to me.

I didn’t have a problem with my nuclear family as many don’t; it was just my external family. But I say to you believer today that the healing for “all” of your family will start with you. It’s not about who was wrong, it’s about forgiving, loving them and you taking the first step. TAKE ACTION TODAY!

Your hesitancy could cost a soul to be lost…it is imperative that you take action!

Regarding non-familial relationships; it’s a little harder to manage. people are quick to move on and sometimes they are just meant to be in your life for a short time, but let unconditional love be your guide for them as well. Their souls are just as valuable as the souls of your family. You just may be the light that God sent into their lives. Be the brightest that you can be!

Matthew 22:37-40 — Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second [is] like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.

Honor your father and your mother, as the Lord your God commanded you, that your days may be prolonged and that it may go well with you in the land which the Lord your God gives you. Deuteronomy 5: 16


Kingdom Thinking can get you healed! by Elaine Davenport

It’s going to take a different mindset for you to get your healing. People from all over the world get various healings, but they come slower in this country because we’re too smart. On the internet you find people “out thinking” everything…I guess it’s the new thought mecca. Even when people make Christ their personal Lord and Savior they still want to be in charge even though Jesus said: “Whosoever will come after me, let him deny himself, take up his cross and follow me.” That’s what he said, but most people aren’t willing to deny themselves and that can become a stumbling block.

Every day I talk to or meet someone who doesn’t “really” know about the healing power of God that is available to all believers. They are distressed on all sides, believing the doctors report and not really thinking from a faith perspective. That’s not unusual; it’s just a bad position. I was telling someone how Jesus had healed me from something in just one day and they quickly replied something to the effect of: “You must not have really been sick to get healed that quick.” The inference being that I must have been exaggerating. No, I wasn’t exaggerating, in that instance I was healed quickly.

How can people believe that a “pill” will heal them and that Jesus won’t? That’s funny to me! Too funny!

See it’s very hard if you have the mindset of the world to come into kingdom thinking. I read all around the internet and many can’t accept kingdom thinking. They’re too smart for that. So are people who have left the faith. We live in the kingdom of God as believers or we should. That’s God’s way of doing things. Many can’t handle God’s ways of doing things because it causes us to stretch our faith or switch our mindsets.

In the Kingdom of God, we establish a covenant with God. His end of it is to give us provision. Our end is to contribute to the kingdom and to look beyond the little picture.

The little picture says the money you put in church is going into the ministers pocket. The big picture says it’s not your money; it’s God’s money and whatever you measure out, He’ll give it back and that by the way, the money will go into the kingdom of God for kingdom work.


The doctor’s report may “say” that you have a certain physical or mental challenge, but the Word of God which is the Training Manual for the Kingdom of God says that Jesus not only died to save you from your sins, but also that he bore all your sicknesses and diseases so that you were or are healed.


* You have to believe you are healed, long before you can see it.  I did.  I told my husband to forget the funeral plans and my last wishes because I wasn’t going anywhere. I literally cut off the stuff the doctor had told me and adopted kingdom thinking for my healing.  I WAS VERY AGGRESSIVE about it!  My kids said to themselves that if this works, we know that God is real!   Now they know!  After that, my husband was saved!  He wasn’t “content” that his wife went to church, he had to go himself to seek God and find out about the Kingdom of God.

When you believe something you do things different than what you have been doing: you talk different, you think different, you do things different. As far as healing is concerned: you meditate in healing scriptures, you read them several times a day, you pray, you thank God for your healing, you tell people you are healed, you stretch yourself in your faith, you enrich yourself in faith, you keep yourself immersed and you separate yourself from the world and recognize thast you are a part of the KIngdom of God. You’re redeemed from the “curse” of the law and you saw so. Finally, you remember Hebrews 13: 8 which says:

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.

I will not assume you know what this means. It means that when Jesus healed the sick, lame, brokenhearted, blind and deaf in the bible; he operated in the Kingdom of God and he still does today and forever. Our healing; whatever it is can be manifested at any time, you just gotta believe it and grab hold to it!

Kingdom people cannot believe what the world believes. It’s that simple.

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