A Powerful CD on Healing! (An Interview with Jeanniene Lee) Tuesday, December 2, 2008

CAFÉ SOZO: Greetings To You All! Once again God has Blessed us with some revolutionary information that we want to share with you. We’ve just recently found out about a new CD called “Words of Wisdom For Health and Healing!” This is a powerful CD and we are honored and privileged today to interview the artist and author Jeanniene Lee of Change The Image Ministries.


Jeanniene Lee; Change The Image Ministries

CAFÉ SOZO: Jeanniene, Welcome! Welcome! We were very excited to hear of your new CD “Words of Wisdom For Health & Healing.” What is it that made you decide to give to the world this powerful CD? Can you tell us how it came into being? What was it that you set out to do?

JEANNIENE: “Thank you so very much my Dear Sister. I love and appreciate you so much!” Also, to each of you that have come to this site, the Holy Spirit has divinely drawn you to this site, as there are no accidents or coincidences in God. Welcome!

The vision for “Words of Wisdom for Health and Healing” was birthed within my spirit some years ago. God revealed to me the vast need for this CD, and He imparted the vision for it within my spirit. The Holy Spirit opened my eyes and allowed me to see something that has been prevalent for centuries, but when my eyes were opened to it; I saw it like I had never seen it before.

In my travels throughout the world, I noticed that the #1 prayer request was “for healing.” In our public meetings, when people would come up for prayer, the majority of the prayer request were for “healing or health related issues!” I noticed it also was the #1 prayer request in the letters and emails we received. We decided to address this great need; after earnest prayer and instructions from God.

A hurting person can access this CD through a digital download anywhere in the world.

This CD is arranged in such a way that the listener will feel like they have a “personal healing and health coach” to escort them step-by-step, through their situation to a place of absolute victory!!! It’s a must have for every person, as a tool for the sick or as preventive medicine.

As I sought God earnestly concerning His heart’s desire for this CD, everywhere I turned I began to receive revelation and supernatural insight into the “powerful medicine” contained in the Word of God. Medicine so powerful that, “if taken DAILY as prescribed,” it could heal any sickness or disease known to man. God confirmed this to me through the testimony of Joel Osteen’s mother’s healing (Dottie Osteen).

The “master key” to Dottie Osteen’s healing from cancer was DAILY MEDITATION UPON “HEALING SCRIPTURES.” She shared in her testimony that she meditated upon “healing scriptures” EVERY SINGLE DAY…morning and night. Proverbs 4:20-22 confirms that daily meditation upon the Word of God will bring healing and restore health guaranteed.

CAFE SOZO: I’ll tell you that those tracks are so anointed and peaceful…Wow! Have you received any testimonies as a result of it!

JEANNIENE: Yes, we have received many testimonies from around the world!!!! From both Christians and non-Christians, and from all ages, races and denominations.

We have received testimonies of healing from aids, cancer, heart disease, high-blood pressure, menstrual cramps, menopause symptoms, depression, barrenness, fear, demonic oppression, tormenting thoughts and actions of suicide, back pain, stress, to name a few. A special testimony came from a 6-year-old from Harrogate, England that was totally delivered from nightmares the very first night he listened to the CD while sleeping.

The devil hates us…whether we are a child or an adult…but God’s Word is medicine, and God’s Word is “Words of Wisdom for Health and Healing” for any age…child or adult. I also highly recommend this CD to couples believing to have children, and that has had trouble conceiving.

It’s also a powerful tool for expectant mothers and will also minister to the “baby in the womb.”

We have received numerous testimonies from women whose wombs were healed and opened and they conceived after listening to God’s medicine on this CD. Listen to, “Your Womb Is Blessed…You Have God’s Promise Of Children” at www.myspace.com/changetheimage.


JEANNIENE: ”Words of Wisdom For Health and Healing” is a 2 CD Album containing a total of 11 tracks of anointed, yoke-destroying, burden-removing healing words of wisdom straight from the heart of God and from the “healing rooms of heaven.” “Words of Wisdom for Health and Healing” is over 2 hours of anointed, Holy-Ghost inspired,

CAFE SOZO: How’d you come up with the CD Title name? I’m just curious and I’m sure our readers would love to know.

JEANNIENE: The Holy Spirit gave the name, “Words of Wisdom for Health and Healing,” to me.

As the Bible reveals, the key to King Solomon’s success, one of the richest men in the Bible, was because He asked for “wisdom” as recorded in I Kings 3:9-13 and 4:29-30. Proverbs 4:7 states that wisdom is the “principle thing.”

The key to success in every area of life, including in the areas of health and healing, is the wisdom of God. The Book of Proverbs, amongst other places in the Bible, reveals that God’s Word is the wisdom of God. Proverbs 4:20-22 declares that if we give our attention to God’s Word then it will be life to those that find it and health to all their flesh. God’s Word is “Words of Wisdom for Health and Healing.”

CAFÉ SOZO: What impact has it had on the world?

JEANNIENE: From North America to the Middle East, we have touched lives with God’s “Words of Wisdom for Health and Healing!” Even our CD has impacted the U.S. Military troops and those at war in Iraq.

CAFE SOZO: What kind of faith steps have you had to take in this endeavor?

JEANNIENE: God instructed me to get this CD out “to the world.” To do that it takes faith for sure. We were praying for new doors and more doors to get this awesome “ministry tool” to the world, and here we are going through another “door of opportunity” with this interview that is going to reach people that before this interview perhaps did not even know about me, Change The Image Ministries or this CD, “Words of Wisdom for Health and Healing.”

CAFE SOZO: Are there any more projects in the works?

Yes, in fact “Words of Wisdom” is a series and our next CD in this series will be released in 2009. It’s going to be awesome, awesome, and awesome! I am also working on a new book that will also be out in 2009. I would like to leave our guests with these words – “nothing, absolutely nothing is too hard for the Lord.” It doesn’t matter what symptoms you are facing today or what diagnosis or report you have received, God’s word is “medicine” and if taken “daily as prescribed,” the Word can heal your body and restore your health.

I highly recommend “Words of Wisdom For Health and Healing” for EVERYONE!!! It’s a must have in your home no matter what country you live in. For more information please visit us at:



Perhaps you don’t need healing right now, God’s Word is also “preventive medicine.” Prevention is always cheaper than cure. I assure you “Words of Wisdom for Health and Healing” will change your image, and in turn will change your life.

CAFE SOZO: Where can people go if they wish to listen to sample tracks of the CD?

JEANNIENE: Well they may go to the following site:

CAFE SOZO: Certainly, you love God and I’d certainly call you a woman of faith. It’s been our honor to interview the woman that has played such an integral part in the “birthing” of Words of Wisdom For Health and Healing CD and to hear about your ministry’s plans for the future!


Thank you Jeanniene Lee! Thank you Change The Image Ministries!

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